Photo made by user What happens after you add to cart? It was another normal day, locked at home with no where to go. What else better to do than open your favorite shopping app or page? There's a sale here and there with no shipping fee, how exciting! You saw so many more tempting deals on your phone, but all around you were corrugated boxes, bubble wrap, fragile stickers, plastic bags, and so much more. All were waiting to be thrown away because they were no longer of use to you. Source: Phone Scroll . (n.d.). [GIF]. Tenor. Or how about this? You're a small business owner. To become more popular, you saw so many TikTok videos of other people doing the most when it comes to packaging. It has become a trend to add so many freebies and wrap the most aesthetically pleasing things around your product. This encourages you to spend, spend, and spend also on that trend. You put your whole heart int...